Sunday, September 7, 2008

Topic for Reasearch Paper

  1. Why people do recycling?
  2. Should people do recycling?
  3. What's the benefit of recycling?
  4. How the environment will be change when people recycling?
  5. How many things can be recycling?


  1. Why Internet is so popular right now?
  2. How to use Internet when you looking for some things.
  3. What's the credibility of Internet?

Gun control

  1. Is it necessary to has a gun?
  2. Why people want to have a gun?
  3. What's the disadvantage to society?
  4. Do we need more severe statute about gun control?


Reechoo said...

GUN CONTROL, thats a good one

ashylove22 said...

I think the recycling idea is cool.